RebateMate Power Tool – Network Building Supplies

RebateMate Power Tool

SKU GTP109416

RebateMate is a revolutionary power tool designed to cut rebates along the edges of plasterboard, multi-board and cement sheeting in preparation for joining. The rebated edge created by RebateMate results is a stonger, seemless join in both ceiling and wall applications.

RebateMate attaches to most commercial vacuums to create a safe dust free environment. It is portable, simple to use and delivers substantial cost and time savings, while producing excellent results every time. This unique tool eliminates weakness in the join, glancing light, peaking, cracking, visible joins and wastage.


Key Benefits

  • Creates perfect seamless joins
  • Enables more plaster to be applied to join
  • Strengthens the butt joint area
  • Eliminates peaking and cracking where the plasterboard sheets meet
  • Very minimal glancing light
  • Cost and time savings
  • Maintenance and rework savings
  • Minimal product wastage (enables the use of off cuts that would normally be discarded)
  • Health and Safety Benefits


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